All posts in “chloe elsie”

Friday inspirations: Milan

paris streetstyle via mr. newton

Can’t believe it’s Friday again/finally! Time flies. Just one more week until SPRING BREAK! I am escaping to one of my favourite places in the world: Milano (the capital of CHICISTAN). What are your plans?


Garance's New Shoes

This picture of Garance’s new heels reminds me of Milan so much! Probably because camouflage prints and Prada heels are essential components of the Milanese signature style;-).

nude wrap dress and leo scarf stockholm streetstyle

aurora sansone's chloe elsie.tfs

This mini version of the Chloé Elsie bag belongs to Aura Sansone, fashion editor at Vogue Nippon and honorary citizen of Chicistan.

sartorialist shot_denim

Love the double-denim look! So easy.

frida gustavvson fendi bag

Another element of the Milanese style kit: a Fendi logo bag.

aura sansone_sartorialist

Aura again. Captured by the Sartorialist in the streets of Milan.

Pics: Mr. Newton, The Sartorialist, Stockholm Streetstyle,