
As some of you might have noticed, I have not been very active with blogging lately. The reason is my Master Thesis, which has to be done by the end of the year and which is taking most of my time. I am now finally finished with creating the questionnaire for my research and it would be great if you could fill it out (some of you might have already received an e-mail about it). The topic of my reserach is fashion blogs, so you are all part of my perfect sample!!

Check out the questionnaire here!

As I need a lot of respondents, I am grateful for every single one of you who participates and there is also a small reward!

I promise I will be back soon, with lots of new blogging power and great stories from Paris, where I will be moving soon!

Thanks to all of you for your support,

xx Nati


  1. Martin

    done :)

  2. Hi! Got your mail and have filled out the questionnaire!
    Lots of luck on your thesis!
    Love the blog <3 and can't wait for more on Paris!

  3. i have done my test to help you. it´s a pleasure.
    many kisses
    and luck on your thessis


  4. GOOD luck
    filled out ur questionnaire (:

  5. already finished it. Good Luck!!!


  6. A fan

    Finished =) So you must be a student @ Maastricht, impressive!

  7. Txt for invitation to fill your test!Good job:)

    I’ve already finished it& good luck with your work!

  8. Great blog, thanks for the mail, have just completed your survey

    Make Lemonade x

  9. Just took your survey! It was pretty interesting!

  10. Did it =)
    I’m glad to help you out.

  11. Just completed your survey! Your thesis sounds so exciting and so cool! :)

  12. Hola!
    I got an email from you about the questionnaire.. I already finished answering it, good luck on your thesis.. and have fun in Paris!!!

  13. I hope this finds you doing well. Take care. Have a great week.

  14. I got your mail and have filled out the questionnaire!

  15. Finished!
    I’m glad to help you,
    good luck on your Master Thesis!!!!!


  16. *great shot, too!!!!

  17. hey hey, just answered your questions! love your blog, honey!

    please check out mine :) I think you gonna like it!

  18. Hello!

    I just answered your questions!
    Thanks so much for your invitation and my best wishes for your research!
    It sounds so great!!

    many kisses and hugs,


  19. Hi Nati,
    habs schon ausgefüllt! Ich werd vielleicht dasselbe Thema in meiner Bachelor-Thesis beackern ;-) Wäre toll, wenn Du mir Deine fertige Thesis mal schicken könntest!

    Liebe Grüße,

  20. love this picture!

  21. hey there darling,

    I did the test! I would be exceedingly interested in reading your thesis… I am doing mine on quantitative finace if you are interested. let me know~~~


  22. Did your questionnaire last night, hope it helps! It would be really interesting if you shared your thesis with us. I’d be interested to learn more about peoples blogging habits! Good luck!

  23. What a stylish student! Since I just stumbled upon your blog I’ve also been good and filled out the questionnaire. Very interesting. Good luck! Sabine x

  24. I just took your survey- it was quite self-reflective because I never really thought about how fashion blogging/blogs have infiltrated my life and to what extent it plays in my daily activities! Hope I win one of those DVDs- I loved that documentary :) xo, Mel

  25. gi.

    Filled out your survey! Good luck! Ahh, Paris…I’m moving next year, but I’ll probably be in the suburbs with my family until I find a place of my own. Have a blast! It’s the best city in the world!!!


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